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How to Partner with the Center

Policies for partnering with the Chandler Center for the Arts

How to Partner with the Center

The Chandler Center for the Arts and the Chandler Cultural Foundation are interested in partnerships and collaborative projects when they are consistent with our mission, provide a measurable benefit to the Center and do not conflict with existing partnerships or operations.

Groups or individuals who are interested in proposing an idea or project for consideration may submit a letter of inquiry which includes the following information:

  • Describe this new concept or project and the resources it will bring to the Chandler Center for the Arts.
  • Provide a one-page biography/introduction of the organization or individual(s) proposing the project, demonstrating its history in executing projects similar to the one being proposed.
  • Include a project budget which summarizes all anticipated financial transactions, for both income and expenses.
  • Include any qualitative returns, such as increased community awareness, media coverage, capturing new audiences, etc.
  • Explain how this proposed project either complements or competes with existing programs, organizations or services.
  • Provide a proposed timeline for the project including proposed responsibilities for each task.
  • Describe the benefits/measurement tools which will be used in determining the project’s success.

The letter of inquiry will be evaluated by a project review panel, based on the following criteria:

  • How the project relates to CCF’s mission and the qualitative benefits to CCF and the Center.
  • History of the requesting organization or individual in implementing similar projects.
  • Feasibility of timetable for the proposed project.
  • The level of internal resources and staff time required for the project and how the utilization of those resources will impact or compete with the delivery of existing programs and services.
  • The level of investment required and the return on investment.
  • The project’s impact on existing stakeholders and customers of the Center.
  • Risk potential to financial and physical assets of the Center.
  • The project’s likelihood of success

Successful letters of inquiry will be submitted to the CCF board for authorization to request a full proposal for the project. Any questions arising from the letter of inquiry review process will be communicated to the proposing organization or individual, to which a response should be included in the full proposal.

Please mail your letter of inquiry to:
Michelle Mac Lennan
General Manager
Chandler Center for the Arts
250 N. Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (480) 782-2683